
This website was developed by the Devon Armed Forces Community Wellbeing Partnership (DAFCWP) using funding from the Armed Forces Covenant. We hope you will find it helpful

The DAFCWP provides strategic direction to improve the health and wellbeing of members of the Armed Forces Community living in Devon. In 2019 a refreshed South West Peninsula Veterans Joint Needs Assessment was produced. This summary guides commissioning decisions to improve the health and wellbeing of veterans’ living across the South West Peninsula.

Most veterans have positive experiences of serving in the Armed Forces. However, a minority can experience adverse physical and mental health problems. If you have been disadvantaged because of your service please contact your Service Families Federation or email the Ministry of Defence Covenant Team at covenant-mailbox@mod.uk.

19th January 2022 the Government published its Veterans Strategy Action Plan for 2022 – 2024   

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The Plan focusses on five areas :-

Delivering a step-change in support for veterans and their families:
Maximising veteran employability as the key to positive life outcomes:
Listening, learning and addressing with compassion the historic hurt or disadvantage that sections of the veteran community have experienced:
Dealing with historic operations, recognising that these continue to impact on veterans:
Making sure veterans receive the same high standard of support, across the whole UK:

The Armed Forces Covenant

Armed Forces Covenant Logo

The Devon Forces Family website is funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund.

The covenant aims to bring together the armed forces community and the civilian community on a local level, nurturing mutual understanding and raising awareness of issues faced by the armed forces. It is a promise from the nation to all those who serve. It states “we will do all we can to ensure they are treated fairly and are not disadvantaged in their day to day lives”.

Find out more about the Covenant and what it means for you.

This easy-to-use online directory of services is available to you or your family as a service leaver, veteran or reservist living in Devon. View the page links to find relevant information and services, access to support and topic overviews.

Support for veterans

We understand that, as a result of the news surrounding Afghanistan, many military personnel – past and present – may be feeling on edge right now. It’s natural to experience all sorts of emotions, and some may feel overwhelming. However, if your threat dial is up, you feel on high alert or ‘sparking’, or you notice your anxiety levels feel high right now. This can have a negative impact on your mental health

Find out more about how we can help here.

Alternatively, you can text 07537 173683 (standard charges may apply for texts) or email helpline@combatstress.org.uk.

We encourage all veterans, particularly those who served in Afghanistan, to call our 24-hour Helpline if their mental health has been impacted by what is happening in Afghanistan.

You can also call the free, confidential Helpline on 0800 138 1619.

If you are looking for help with your situation you can contact The Veterans Gateway on
0808 802 1212 or text 81212. Advice and support for veterans and ex-forces available here.